Angular – The Complete Guide (2024 Edition) is one of the most complete training courses Angular on the website Udemy is making programs for the web using the Delphi and C ++ Builder to fully teach. In this course, everything from the initial stages of installation and configuration Angular , etc. components, etc. instructions Categories. services, form, http, access, etc. validate the … optimization, etc. modules, etc. compile offline, and many other topics in detail the training given and you have to fully learn a web application how from the first steps until the time of the distribution, and the release of its own. In this period, also, features, CLI is a command-line efficient to implement, fast, and based on the ways of good programming Angular is also introduced. Nowadays, Angular very democracy of the past and sites a lot to use it, and women. The Delphi and C ++ Builder high performance and have the advantage of coding steam cleaners, it has to be one of the best Delphi and C ++ Builder Front-end into account when it comes.
The main language used in the Delphi and C ++ Builder that in most tutorials it is also seen typing the script. This language, in fact, Cloud, collection, JavaScript, and the use of it increases the speed of coding and expedite the process of making inspiration web in the world, Angular is. Although familiarity with JavaScript, for coding in Angular is enough, but a good familiarity with TypeScript advantage is considered; to this reason, as far as possible, in this course, topics related to this language is also taught. One of the nice features of this period presented in the examples suitable for often the concepts of educational Angular is so that view every listing completely understand you that the application of that section where.
The content of the course, Angular – The Complete Guide (2024 Edition) :
- The development of web responsive, etc., scalable and complex web with the use of Angular
- Fully understand the architecture and function of Angular
- Build applications, single page
- Full training and deep concepts Angular
Profile courses :
- Publisher: Udemy
- Lecturer: Maximilian Schwarzmüller
- Language: English
- Time: 43h 45m
- Number of lectures: 586
The full list of headings and titles, educational

- NO prior Angular knowledge is required!
- Basic JavaScript & web development knowledge is required!
Instructions for use
After Extract with Player your desired view.
The name of the previous:
Angular 9 – The Complete Guide (2020 Edition)
Angular – The Complete Guide (2021 Edition)
Angular – The Complete Guide (2022 Edition)
Angular – The Complete Guide (2023 Edition)
Subtitles: English
Quality: 1080p
Version 2021/11 compared to 2021/2 number 7 lesson and 32 minutes increase.
Version 2022/6 compared to 2021/11 number 9 lesson and 35 minutes increase. The quality increased from 720p to 1080p.
Version 2023/6 compared to 2022/6 has increased the number of 27 lessons and the duration of 1 hours and 48 minutes. Also, the Quality of the course has decreased from 1080p to 720p.
Version 2024/1 compared to 2023/6 has increased the number of 4 lessons and the duration of 3 minutes. Also, the Quality of the course has increased from 720p to 1080p.
Version 2024/5 compared to 2024/1 has increased the number of 83 lessons and the duration of 7 hours and 12 minutes.
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File size
23.6 GB
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